Evaluate  download this page as PDF

Evaluate whether the concepts produced in the Create phase are better than the chosen benchmark, for the full set of performance indicators that cover whole-life impacts for the users, the business, the wider society and the planet (as identified within the Explore phase)

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Estimate people, profit and planet impacts

The Performance dashboard is provided as a tool that describes the different types of performance indicators, and captures the corresponding evaluations. Judge whether the concept is better, worse or the same as the benchmark that was chosen (within Explore). A simplified example of the outcome is shown below.

Use the stakeholder map, user journeys and impact map (created within Explore) as prompts to ensure the evaluation is complete.

'Estimate people, profit and planet impacts' are 3 of the activities within 'Evaluate'. Show full 'Design wheel'.


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Review uncertainty

For all of the estimates involved in a concept evaluation, consider which ones critically influence the decision-making, and consider whether these estimates are accurate enough for their purpose.Successful concept design is about:

  • Making decisions in the context of uncertainty.
  • Recognising when you do not have enough information to make a decision.

Once the decision can no longer be changed gathering more information that is more accurate has minimal benefit.

The Performance dashboard is provided as a tool to help capture impacts that are unknown.

'Review uncertainty' is one of the activities within 'Evaluate'. Show full 'Design wheel'.


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Present evidence

Summarise each concept by presenting the overall judgements of the Chief 'X' Officers: CFO, CTO, COO, CMO, CSO (Financial, Technical, Operations, Marketing, Sustainability, using a scale that goes from 'much worse' to 'much better'. You can indicate a range on this scale to reflect unknown information.

Bear in mind that the overall judgements should not necessarily reflect the sum or average of evaluations of individual impacts.For example, there might be 20 reasons why a concept is better, and one reason why the concept is worse, but the 'worse' is such a dealbreaker that the overall judgement should be 'much worse'

The Performance dashboard is provided as a tool to help capture these summary evaluations.

'Present evidence' is one of the activities within 'Evaluate'. Show full 'Design wheel'.

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