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Concept design activities

Every design decision has the potential to make 'People', 'Profit' and 'Planet' performance indicators better or worse. Successful design requires informed decision-making at the concept stage, because it can become prohibitively expensive to make changes later on.

3 steps to concept design:

  1. Read the DOT in a nut shell booklet, which gives guidance for good practice in concept design.
  2. Complete the first activity, which is Plan next steps (within Manage).
  3. Use the Design wheel as the framework to guide the remaining activities.

In addition, Design tools are provided at the bottom of this page to help complete these concept design activities. Suggestions are also provided on What should I do?, for each of the different roles in the business.

Design wheel The 'Design wheel' shows the specific design activities that correspond with each phase of the 'Explore', 'Create' and 'Evaluate' design cycle.
Explore Understand the stakeholders, tasks and performance indicators, which should cover 'People', 'Profit' and 'Planet'. Create Develop concepts in order to maximise performance across the performance indicators that were identified within 'Explore'.
Evaluate Determine whether the concept is better or worse for each stakeholder, task and outcome measure. Manage Plan the next steps, based on what you currently have, what you are missing, and the deadlines.

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Design tools

Impact map A diagram that shows the flows of materials and energy over the life cycle of a product. Performance dashboard A tool for early-stage evaluation of concepts according to people, profit and planet success criteria, applied across the whole life of the product.

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What should I do?

This section provides guidance on what you can change to make things better.

Role-based guidance Describes what you can change, broken down according to different roles in the business Topic-based guidance Guidance on materials, energy, waste, labels, standards and assessing suppliers.

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