Making change happen  download this page as PDF

There are many standard tools for setting corporate strategy and making the change happen. An example of one of these tools is the SPROC (Strategy, Process, Resources, Organisation, and Culture) model:

Strategy: Does the high-level business strategy support and encourage DOT?

Process: Do existing innovation and development processes incorporate DOT considerations?

Resources: Does the organisation recognise what resources (internal or external) are required to successfully deliver DOT?

Organisation: Do organisational structures, reward systems, and metrics encourage the behaviours required for effective implementation of DOT?

Culture: Does the combination of organisational structure, staffing, task design and internal brand values provide for the desire and capability to deliver DOT?

in making the change to DOT happen, the key emphasis is the extent to which company reward systems and metrics align with the top-level priorities (see the Setting priorities section).

For example, Plan A within Marks & Spencer's was delivered with 100 commitments over five years, starting from 2007. The Plan delivered £185m net benefits to be reinvested back into the business. See the Plan A website for more detail.



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