Energy quiz  download this page as PDF

If a shopping trip involves driving a car to a shop that is 1 mile away, and then back again, the carbon emitted is equivalent to:

A 1 kg product travelling:

260 ✘ NO
2,600 ✘ NO
26,000 ✔ YES

miles in a container ship.


A 1 kg product travelling:

26 ✘ NO
260 ✘ NO
2,600 ✔ YES

miles in a truck.



2.5 ✘ NO
25 ✔ YES
250 ✘ NO

carrier bags.

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Considering the total UK energy produced in 2009:

Heating private households account for:

3% ✘ NO
12% ✘ NO
20% ✔ YES

of the total energy.


Personal transportation accounts for

4% ✘ NO
20% ✔ YES
40% ✘ NO

of the total energy.


Covering every south facing roof with solar panels would deliver

10% ✔ YES
50% ✘ NO
100% ✘ NO

of the total energy.

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On average, how much do the following actions reduce the cost of home heating:

Improving loft insulation

5% ✘ NO
14% ✔ YES
23% ✘ NO


Turning thermostat 1 degree down

1% ✘ NO
5% ✘ NO
10% ✔ YES


Installing cavity wall insulation

5% ✘ NO
12% ✘ NO
18% ✔ YES

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In summary …

  • UK energy consumption must drastically reduce in order to survive on renewable energy.
  • The energy required to move a car a few miles is more than the energy required to send a 1kg product around the world in ships and lorries, because the energy-efficiency of freight transport is so much higher.
  • Products that improve consumer behaviour related to car miles or home-heating can leverage energy reductions that are far greater than their own impacts.

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