Waste impacts  download this page as PDF

What key issues exist for my business?

When something is thrown ‘away’, most people don’t see where this ‘away’ is. A by-product of global consumerism supported by built-in obsolescence is driving the growth of waste mountains and flotsam around the globe. Not reprocessing waste has People, Profit and Planet costs. With cost for most materials for manufacture increasing, waste legislation tightening and materials recovery technology advancing, not having a materials and waste strategy with a goal of zero waste makes no economic sense. In energy (carbon) terms, materials recovery is nearly always more efficient. Most recycled plastics use around three times less energy than processing from crude oil, often much less.

Examples of economic and environmental success stories for waste repurposing can be found in the examples section to the left.

Why is this an issue for my business?

Waste and materials’ security are interwoven issues, certainly for the Circular Economy approach. For waste electronics (WEEE) – the fastest growing waste stream on the planet and the hardest to reprocess – there are a number of mined conflict elements for manufacture, and resource demand from other growing markets, such as neodymium. It is not unlikely that greater quantities of neodymium will exist in electric cars than in mines globally in the not too distant future, competing directly with ICT industry needs. Potential brand implications from association with such People/Planet waste and resource conflicts are a very real business threat, with at least one household name falling foul of this every quarter. Secure access to key materials in ones supply chain should start to focus on waste streams too rather than just the commodities markets and mining operations.

Intense pressure on key materials leads to a change in focus on what is regarded as ‘waste’ and its value. Lead stolen from church roofs used to be the only commonly reported material theft; now many kinds of material are being targeted this way, with perhaps copper and catalytic convertors (platinum, palladium, rhodium) theft being the most high profile examples in recent years.

What steps can I take to address this?

It’s no longer advisable to leave materials supply risk to someone else in the supply chain, even with thorough Performance Bonds or Title and Risk contract terms. This is especially true when considering the recovery of EoL product, and a means of returning some of this material back into ones own manufacturing chain. New business relationships will need to be developed.

  • A materials strategy is required, both to roadmap the risks of supply on the horizon and the phasing in of more secure materials and processes as the technology and costs evolve.
  • Secure access to key materials in ones supply chain may also start to focus on waste streams rather than just the commodities markets and mining operations. New relationships may need to develop with your existing waste handlers – and end users.
  • Considering how your waste might be repurposed into a useful resource can provide stimulus for innovation within concept design.

Further reading

The impact on businesses can be considerable when even ‘waste’ starts to be stolen, with considerable pressure applied on the UK government to act on the UK scrap metal trade in 2012. There is now more indium and gallium in use than in proven possible reserves, and more gold in a tonne of waste mobile smart phones than in typical ore mined for it.

In 2006 the DTI produced an outline UK Materials Strategy which included a key section on ‘materials for sustainable production and consumption’ and had invested nearly £0.5bn in collaborative R&D for materials from 2004-2006. In 2008 the TSB released its Advanced Materials Key Technology Area strategy 2008-2011 and in March 2012 DEFRA released ‘A Review of National Resource Strategies and Research. This report makes reference to the Circular Economy and the University of Cambridge’s department of Materials Sciences and Metallurgy.

This last report describes the European Resource Strategy and supporting reports including:

And a number of other international reports on the same threats. Other references:



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